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Thomas Bowdler: The Original Bowdlerizer

It’s been over 400 years since the last new Shakespeare play was released, so it’s probably safe to say that his stuff holds up over time.  Countless productions of his plays have been put on during and after William Shakespeare’s lifetime, as well as many different adaptations.  His works have been referenced in many subsequent works, and have become part of the culture.  If you haven’t seen The Taming of the Shrew, you’ll still understand Kiss Me, Kate.  If you haven’t seen Romeo and Juliet, you’ll still understand West Side Story.  And if you haven’t seen Hamlet, you’ll still understand The Lion King (and Strange Brew, for that matter).  Shakespeare has permeated our culture, and some critics have even gone so far as to state that Shakespeare is beyond criticism.

Image result for chewbacca c3po headImage result for hamlet yorick's skull
Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca in Star Wars, 1977; John Gielgud in the title role in Hamlet, circa 1960.  No, this is not a coincidence.

There was one man, however, who decided that Shakespeare was most certainly not beyond criticism.  This man was an English doctor named Thomas Bowdler, and he felt that Shakespeare needed an update for the 19th century.  Dr. Bowdler began a promising career in medicine which was cut short when he caught a terrible fever from one of his own patients.  Upon his recovery, he found himself disinclined to practice medicine anymore.  Bowdler turned his energies toward a cause he felt strongly about, prison reform, and was also regarded as one of the best chess players of his time.  In 1788, he published a book about the patriotic uprising in Holland titled Letters Written in Holland in the Months of September and October 1787, but this was not to be his best-known nor his most influential work.  What Bowdler would be remembered for was a four-volume set of books called The Family Shakespeare.

The Family Shakespeare addressed what Bowdler saw as the problem of there being too many bad words and blasphemies in Shakespeare’s plays.  He recognized that Shakespeare’s work was good—great, even—but think of the children!  How can you bring a poor, young innocent to a production of Macbeth and expose them to Lady Macbeth crying, “Out, out, damned spot!”  Think of the questions they’ll have about this blasphemy!  Bowdler reworked this famous line into, “Out, out, crimson spot!” so kids could witness a wholesome stabbing on the stage without the taint of blasphemy.  In fact, the interjection “God!” was reduced to the inoffensive “Heavens!”  And that nasty business of Hamlet’s sister Ophelia maybe committing suicide?  In The Family Shakespeare, the ambiguity is done away with, and it’s clear to the reader that it was an accidental drowning.  Also gone were any references to prostitutes or sex, including all of Shakespeare’s famous bawdy innuendos.  The language was purified, minimizing any uncomfortable explanations that an upstanding parent might have to explain to his or her children.

An 1819 advertisement for The Family Shakspeare, second volume.  Note the spelling of the playwright’s name.  This was not an uncommon spelling at the time, but by 1847, editions of Bowdler’s books were altered to reflect the now-standard spelling Shakespeare.

The Family Shakespeare was a success.  It sold well into the 19th century among upright citizens everywhere.  All four volumes were published under Thomas Bowdler’s name, though his sister Harriet had considerable input in the project.  It’s likely that Harriet’s name was left off the book out of fear that it wouldn’t look good if a woman were to understand all of Shakespeare’s naughty innuendos.  One contribution that Bowdler made himself were the paragraphs introducing each reworked play, tabulating what was changed and giving the reasons for his choices.

Bowdler went on to clean up another great work, Edward Gibbon’s History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, from which he removed all the racy bits, as well.  (And in Rome’s decline, there were plenty of racy bits.)  He finished this project in 1825, the year he died.

You can’t call what Bowdler did censorship, since censorship is something that governments do.  Bowdler was acting as a private citizen; no one was forced to buy his books.  There’s no denying that he was doing something to Shakespeare’s works, though.  But what to call it?

It wasn’t until 1836 that someone coined the word bowdlerize.  To bowdlerize something meant not to censor it, but to remove the potentially offensive parts of a work.  This new word has always carried with it a suggestion that the very soul of the work was being watered down at the expense of its very character.  Bowdler’s editions had their defenders for years after his death, but the word inspired by his efforts has never really been used as a compliment.  This practice has never gone away, either.  In 1993, conservative pundit William Bennett published “The Book of Virtues,” a reworking of stories from literature throughout the history of Western civilization.  As popular as the book was, it received plenty of criticism as a bowdlerization of these stories.


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