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Showing posts with the label Seth

Genesis 5: The World's First Navels

Curtis asks the question. Seth wasn’t Adam’s last kid.   Adam was 130 when Seth was born, which means Seth was something of an afterthought.   Adam didn’t give much thought to the sons and daughters born after Seth, though, since no one has bothered to remember their names.   He probably had a lot more children, though, because if he was still virile at 130, he probably had more than a little life left in him between then and his death at age 930. Seth, the third person in the world to have a navel (unless you count those other, unnamed people,) had a son named Enosh and a bunch of other children who weren’t named, and lived to be 912.   Enosh had one child of note, Kenan, and lived to be 905.   Kenan’s only noteworthy child was Mahalelel, and Kenan lived to be 910.   Mahalalael’s only noted child was Jared, Mahalalel lived to be 895.   Jared lived to be 962 and his only noted child was Enoch.   Enoch died young, at a mere 365 years...

Genesis 4: The First Family

Cain and Abel: inventors of sibling rivalry. Eve had a problem.   She was knocked up by this man, but she wasn’t married.   In fact, she had two boys before out of wedlock, which might have scandalized the rest of her family, if they existed.   The boys grew up with their emotions unchecked, due to their parents carrying around guilt, worrying about social stigma, even though it wasn’t apparent whether society had even been invented yet.   They had issues.   The boys were lucky—they would be able to blame their problems on their parents’ inability to deal with these issues.   Who could their parents blame? The boys were Cain, who grew up to be a farmer, and Abel, who grew up to be a shepherd.   This meant that come sacrifice time, Abel was in a position to bring more impressive sacrifices to God, since He has always had a thing for lambs.   Cain grew jealous of his younger brother, who Mom always liked best.   And now God. ...